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Foggy Pier
Christian counseling in Southlake, TX, mental health services in Keller, TX
Lindsey Clark,
Practice Administrator
mental health counseling center, fort worth, tx, alliance town center

Lindsey is the Practice Administrator at Hope Harbor. She is passionate about solving problems and helping others. Lindsey earned her bachelor’s degree from Sam Houston State University and has extensive experience in customer service, project development, and crisis management. She also has a strong military background coming from a family who served in the United States Air Force. Lindsey is very familiar with navigating urgent situations and has worked in government administrative positions, as a communications operator for the Texas Parks and Wildlife, and even answering 911 calls, dispatching police and other emergency units.


Co-workers and clients alike describe Lindsey as creative, reliable, insightful, upbeat, and as someone who will go the extra mile to get the job done. Her attention to detail, ability to prioritize and multitask, and her propensity to empathize with anyone she encounters makes her a crucial member of our Hope Harbor team!

Lindsey is an avid reader and her favorite genres are fantasy and science-fiction.  She enjoys baking, movies, 3D printing, and light hiking. She loves adventures with her husband and 2 kids such as geocaching, a recent visit to Puerto Rico, and cooking meals outside.  Lindsey has been ticking items off her bucket list and hopes to continue with ventures such as visiting Germany and witnessing the Aurora Borealis. She also loves to create cute crocheted animals and baby afghans to sell at local festivals, in addition to tending to her flowering plants that she has grafted or raised from cuttings. The animal menagerie at the Clark household includes Koda the dog, Orbit the cat, and 2 chickens.    

Lindsey looks forward to being an advocate for you and assisting you on your path to healing!

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 8:00 AM-4:00PM


Call/Text (817) 201-2444


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Hope Harbor Counseling & Family Therapy, PLLC

4917 Golden Triangle Blvd. Suite #441

 Keller, TX 76244

(North Fort Worth/Southlake/Grapevine, TX Area)

Registered Telehealth Provider Statewide-Texas

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