Choosing a Therapist
We are here to help you find a great fit!
Please consider having the following on hand when you contact us to schedule your first appointment:
1. What is your availability (days/times) for sessions?
2. What are you wanting help with?
3. Who will be attending the sessions? Do you have the email addresses for all parties? (All adults attending must sign their own consent form)
4. Do you prefer sessions in person, virtually, or flexibility to have either?
5. If you are sending a minor whose parents are divorced, who by law will need to sign consent for the minor's mental health services?
Please Note: We are self pay and open Monday-Friday.
Thank you!
The Hope Harbor Team
(817) 201-2444
“I'm back in school now and haven't relapsed since we finished meeting. I'm now fighting for myself instead of against myself. I met the most amazing girl and we are doing great.”
— Male, Age 31
“Wow! What a mess of a family we were--Big fights over in-laws, money, and our kids. Mara said if we put in the work, we'd see a difference and she was right!”
— Young couple & 2 children
*Images are public source domain.
Unsolicited and client approved
testimonials. Ages approximate.